Tuesday, January 29, 2013

International Blackmailing

We kind of knew this from the 1970s through the 1980s, or at least we talked about it back then, that international blackmailing would become a reality, if we did not put it in check at that moment, and we did not put it in check, and still we have not. It now is a reality, like the EU is now a reality, in the 70s it was loose talk, the ten-nations now are something like 26, but my point is this. All the third world countries have to do is starve its people, and get a few nuclear devices, and blackmailing is next. Like North Korea does, and Iran does, and Pakistan did, kept their people dumb, keep them as followers, take over the country like Burma's generals have, and Zimbabwe has, and all those other countries that get Care Packages, keep the money and buy nuclear capability, and tell the United Nations "Look at our poor people we can't feed them," and demand you get what you want, and usually you get it. If you don't mention the big bomb, and you will surely get it, it's just a matter of a process called international blackmailing. Now they can make a deal with the international community: pay us off, or else! So we send them free food, billions, and free oil, billions, and now the got the best of two worlds, and in essence didn't lift a finger for a thing. They feed their armies now with this free deliver items, and send a few packages down the street to the poor: their priority is to build their arsenals, not feed peasants, like Palestine does, and the terrorists in the hills of Colombia, they could care less about feeding the hungry civilizing folk, so we send more and more food. It is all blackmail, and it works, so why change things. And this new century has all these human right groups, and the news media to start a fire if we don't.

Point two, it all doesn't stop there, we holler we do not want our tax money to go to these regimes in Africa that are using the money to feed their armies, and nuclear ambitions, as we have done in Asia, but the good guys from the United Nations, and the so called representatives of the world, the Human Rights groups, yell at America in particular, if not directly, through the UN, and say "How undesirable and wicked you are with those folks, they are dying by the hundreds, no thousands!" So how did this come about? That is a side they do not look at. It is simple; they are killing their own people with the food they do not have to buy, which they use for weapons. They take (as in Africa) the white man's farms, give it to the black man, and he sits on it like a king, and does nothing, and after a while, it decapitates, like it has in Cuba, which I was there a few years back, and all those once lovely swimming pools, and mansions, are no better than shanties now. Good job Castro. So the money we give to the poor countries, they buy weapons with to kill their own kind, while the human rights groups run to the US, or EU, or UN, to save the day, so we can send more food or money to support the killing soldiers. I am not sure what side these groups are on, but I do know this, Satan is working overtime with planting stupid seeds in their heads.

We seem to say little about the blackmail aspect of these called third world countries, the poor boys down the black, and in most cases the reason they are poor is not because they have to be, but their government wants them to be, because they'd get their heads chopped off by the leaders, if they try jump over the poverty line, it is only allowed for a few to do that. If I was a king of one of these countries, I'd love the Human Rights groups to death, love them morning and night, even send them a free hotel pass, at any five star hotel in the country, if indeed they have one, they get their bread buttered by these folks.

I'll put it in a nutshell; we are enabling other countries to embezzle, to take our tax monies and misappropriate those funds, to kill and starve and build up for World War Three. I can't make it any plainer than that.

What is the solution? I'll say it not so sweet, but up front, and you will not want to hear it, so don't read this part then, but this part is the problem, and we are going to get rid of some of the problems right now: no one wants to hear reality, they want to live in a nutshell. Anyhow, let Israel bomb Iran, and that will take care of the nuclear issue one, therefore another ten-years, and they have enough oil to feed those starving masses if they want to. If not, well, let their president do what he does best, boast.

Second, North Korea, don't give them a dime, let them take care of their own, if the people of North Korea want a dictatorship, let them have it, it's called, create a revolution, like we did in America and fought for our freedom. In most cases, in governments, you get what you deserve, what you've supported. If the people are not willing to fight for it, then perhaps it is not worth fighting for, let the bad guys do what they've been doing, as long as it does not melt out into other societies. As far as the nukes go, blow them up. They are not going to hit South Korea, they may be strange, but they are not that stupid, they will lose the 'goat and the rope.'

Zimbabwe, let's not have a stroke over it, half of Africa is like Zimbabwe. If they can afford to bring in ship loads of arms, they can buy their own bread. If they do not want to buy bread for the masses, then we got a choice, and it should not be blackmail. Go in and dethrone the king, or pay the piper for the rest of our lives, or his, or just let him do what he does best; chop heads until someone chops his off.

The world is getting full of these so called Humpty Dumpy's who will fall sooner or later off their high towering walls. I for one do not wish to pay taxes to keep Egypt afloat, or Palestine armed, or to pacify the Human Right's folks.


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