Why should you start running? Check out these running benefits to learn why you should start your running routine today. The reason that you run might be the great runners high, the act of staying healthy, or something completely unique.
As with all exercise, you may not always have the motivation to run, and get your daily exercise. Fortunately, it can also be a truly amazing experience where the benefits far exceed the drawbacks. That is why we have created these running benefits- to keep you going and remind you why you love to run.
Benefit of Running 1 - Stress Relief
Whether I'm feeling pressure at work, feeling anxious about a problem, or just need to clear my head, I always feel better after running a few miles.
Getting out of the house of office is a great way to feel less stressed. The fresh air and exercise naturally allow your body to decompress. Better yet, if you are feeling overly stressed, take out your aggression by running sprints.
Benefit of Running 2 - Losing Weight
Whenever you get out and run, you are taking a step in the right direction of weight loss. As a matter of fact, you will burn more calories per minute by running than most other sports. No matter your weight loss goal, running is the perfect place to start.
Benefit of Running 3 - Prevent Future Bone Loss
Our body is made to adapt to the activities and strains that we make it endure. If you sit in front of a computer screen for eight hours of your day, your bones are not being stressed, and grow weaker. If you choose a proper running training program, you will significantly improve your chances of fighting osteoporosis.
Benefit of Running 4 - Make Your Heart Healthy
If you are looking for a great way to improve you heart health, running is your best choice. Not only does it reduce the risk of blood clots, it also raises HDL cholesterol levels. Running strengthens your heart, and as a result, lowers blood pressure. That is not it! Running will also help your arteries by making them less rigid, a common health issue amongst individuals.
Benefit of Running 5 - Make Your Immune System Happy
If you incorporate a running training program into your life, you will naturally produce more of those disease fighting white blood cells. As an added boost, you will notice your lungs are becoming stronger. You will be exercising that capacity that is rarely in use.
Benefit of Running 6 - Discover the Runners High
Many runners run for that illusive runners high. It is something that keeps them coming back, even amongst the worst weather conditions. If I'm having a bad day, or just lacking energy, going for a run outdoors always seems to turn my attitude around. Your body naturally releases endorphins. This is what causes that natural high that makes the run worth the effort.
Believe it or not, running is often recommended for individuals that are dealing with depression or those addicted to a substance. People who follow this advice will usually discover this high and use it as a way to feel better about their situation.
Benefit of Running 7 - Get Rid of Diseases
Not only has running been reported to reduce your chances of heart attack, breast cancer and stroke, it has also helped people who are at high risk of diabetes, osteoporosis, and hypertension.
Benefit of Running 8 - Find Your Inner Coordination
Have you ever wanted to be one of those people with great coordination? Try adding running to your workout routine. Whether or not you realize it, by running you are teaching your muscles to work together, making you that much sharper during your exercise.
The best advice is to run outside. You will encounter surfaces that are uneven. These naturally strengthen your ankle and leg muscles. These obstacles allow a runner to improve body control to prevent tripping or from becoming injured.
Benefit of Running 9 - Improve Your Self Confidence
No matter how you view athletes, if you decide to get outdoors and run, you are an athlete. Every time I begin training for a new race, I'm amazed at how quickly I see a difference in my body's strength and endurance.
By setting these goals, you will notice your confidence improved. You will now be considered a runner! If you are seeing your body change, and losing weight as a result of running, a gain in confidence is sure to follow.
It is an amazing feeling to finish that first race (or that tenth, for that reason). The camaraderie that you feel amongst your fellow runners will inspire your next race.
Benefit of Running 10 - Running Makes You An Athlete
Running allows you to train on so many different surfaces, in different conditions, in so many different locations. Running will allow you to become that athlete you once were, or perhaps the one you always wanted to be. If you want to be in charge of your own health, take up running. Your will not need to rely on anyone but yourself.
Running only requires you to get some shoes. It is a cheap way to get some great exercise. Run anywhere you want. There is nothing to stop you from exercising in any conditions that you wish. Make the best decision of your life and become a running athlete. You will impress yourself.
So what are you waiting for? Get yourself a new pair of shoes and a running training schedule and hit the road. The running benefits are yours to take.
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